Masterplan and associated detailed design work undertaken for The Fields Millennium Green Trust.

Heritage Lottery Fund and Natural England funded access improvements, at this regionally important Local Nature Reserve, a childhood haunt of JRR Tolkein.

Production of landscape proposals for development which included a residential care home and extra care accommodation.

Appointed by Shropshire Wildlife Trust to develop a masterplan for a large community managed open space which includes a significant area of open water.

Boundary improvement scheme for a small private estate to enhance the street scene and increase visibility of the entrance.

St. Martins Primary School Client:  St. Martins Primary School Project Description Sketch design proposals prepared for a fenced area outside …

We were commissioned by Stratford-on-Avon District Council to produce an options report and subsequently an illustrative masterplan for the Recreation Ground, which is located in the heart of the town.

Carefully conceived ecological interventions designed to increase overall levels of biodiversity and lay the foundation for the designation of this semi-natural landscape as an Local Nature Reserve (LNR)

Landscape proposals and associated visualisation produced for a proposed bespoke residential property in rural Worcestershire.